Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Year Gone By...

Honestly, I really hate to write this post, but I feel like I need to write about this. A year ago today I started this weight-loss blog.  My journey to a healthier Kristin.  The name has changed, but the intent has remained the same.  In my first post I was excited and ready to really focus on my journey.  I was at my highest weight ever of 233 pounds. Here's the proof that I really tried hard to do the things I needed to do for most of last year. 

After a year, I only have 6.8 pounds gone to show for my efforts.  In a year!  This really does make me sad, to be honest with you.  Of course I had my days, even weeks, where I didn't try very hard.  But I had many months where I did, and all my body decided to do was to fluctuate between the pounds.  I did get down to 10 pounds lost, but since then I've been between 223 and 228 - during the time that I really tried so hard, and during the time that I didn't put in much effort at all, I still fluctuated.  I did gain a little muscle (which I now have to get back) and I did drop a size....but that's the extent of my efforts. 

I really don't know what to think, but I am back on track again after several months off - still with the back and forth weight, too, during that time!  I'm still weighing every week and have been most of this year.  I haven't been documenting it on my blog anymore, though.  This time I'm doing Weight Watchers, so hopefully I'll have some success.  I go to the doctor soon for my yearly checkup, so I'm going to ask her if she has any suggestions - other than pills.  First off, they're way too expensive and we just can't afford the extra expense right now; and secondly, if my body isn't losing even when I try my hardest, there has to be a good reason, right?  I know the first thought is my thyroid - well, year after year, nothing has come up to signify anything is wrong.  Other than that, I have no clue.  I just know I'm so tired of this, but I know that I need to at least attempt to be healthy, even if my body doesn't cooperate.

So with all of that said, I covet your prayers.  Prayers that despite my ups and downs, that I still will choose to exercise and eat right.  Prayers that this doesn't keep me discouraged.  Prayers that maybe my doctor will have some insight.  My biggest thought is, at the rate I'm going, I won't be able to get the weight off before Chris and I can finally try to have kids - not to say that's any time soon because I have no idea - but I just want to be healthy when the time comes, and I'm going nowhere fast.


Amber said...

Hi Kristen,
I think that Weight Watchers is a great program. I have been on it for a couple years now and it has helped me change my life. I started out at 190 pounds and though I am have hit a huge roadblock lately, your post has convinced me to stick with it and try a couple new things.
It is most important to find something active (exercise)that you enjoy doing. Finding your 'recess' is the best way to exercise. That way it is not a chore that you have to do. It becomes your 'me' time. As for the food, I have a constant struggle with the inner-fat girl. She wants to eat crap like Macaroni and Cheese 3 times a week. I have to understand that when I am eating right, I can still have indulgences occasionally.
Kristen, stick with it and Facebook me if you ever need any extra encouragement. My name on the weightwatchers.com site is arichar5 if you want to connect there.

Kristin Hope said...

Thank you so much - I appreciate your encouragement. It is definitely so frustrating to look back over this last year and see that I really haven't accomplished that much; yet, I did accomplish getting in some good exercise and feeling really good the nights that I did. I also sleep better when I exercise, so those are two things that I need to remember when the scale doesn't show much else.

Thank you again for your encouragement. :)

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