Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm back

Well, I didn't really go anywhere - I just got tired of "one step forward, two steps back" with my weight. So, I've decided to not log every week with a blog. I do log it on the "My Progress" tab above, though.

I can't believe that since starting this on February 15th, I haven't even made it past my first 10 pounds. The last few months, I have noticed some change in my body where inches are concerned, so I know the scale isn't a tell-all. But still - I really expected to have lost a decent amount by now.

My roller coaster ride has consisted of EA Sports Active, then EA Sports Active-More Workouts. Then off and on for a few months. Then Insanity. Had to put Insanity on hold because it went from 40ish minutes to about an hour every day - 6 days a week. 40 minutes was difficult enough to keep up with. That hour was almost impossible for me right now. So now I am doing 3 different Jillian Michael's workouts: 30 Day Shred/Banish Fat Boost Metabolism/No More Trouble Zones. I'm averaging about 3 days a week with these - on the days that I can do an hour, I pick the Metabolism or Trouble Zones. The other days where I just need to squeeze in a workout, I pick the 26 minute 30-day Shred. I know I need to up it to more than 3 times a week, though.

And the next new addition to my lifestyle is Weight Watchers! I signed up for 3 months this past Monday - if we can't continue it past the 3 months, I feel confident that I will have learned enough to keep at it on my own (I'm only doing it online, anyway).  The program is way different, so I have two learning curves. 1-to learn the new program and 2-to revamp what kinds of foods I buy and eat. I am excited to finally be able to add this back to my routine and hope to see some progress in the next few months.

The last thing that has changed since February 15th: My attitude. On February 15th, my attitude had changed for the good - that I need to exercise and I need to lose weight. Just a few weeks ago, my attitude changed again. Yes, I need to exercise and I need to lose weight.....but it truly clicked that this is not a "temporary" situation. It is my life-long situation. I think I've always known that - but maybe I just didn't want to admit that to myself. I've never been a skinny person. I don't remember being 130 pounds (my goal). Yeah, sure, I passed 130 pounds at some point - but when, I have no clue. I just can't remember - at least not any time in my life that I've ever weighed myself or weighed at the doctor's. Being at a healthy weight is hard for me - I had a big advantage in Nacogdoches when I walked everywhere. Since 2002 I've had a full time job where, most of the time, I just haven't "felt" like doing anything else after work. But now is different. It is a good different - even though I still feel a twinge of "dang, why didn't I get the skinny gene?" :)

This is temporary. This is seasonal.

This is me and this is how I will always have to live my life.  And I'm finally, truly, ok with that.  :)


Edited: I just realized I need a new siggy. :( *cries*


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