Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Surrender

I surrender. And I believe this is a good thing.

Let's back up a bit. A lot has happened over the last few months or so, and today I start a new journey. Some of the same, and some definitely different. As a disclaimer, I have NO EXPECTATIONS. I don't feel like I have a bad attitude - I just feel like I've burned myself so often over the course of the last year that I'm wondering if I'm destined to be this size. But I believe God has bigger plans for me, and one of His plans is for me to be healthy. So I begin this new journey with the expectation that I will keep my promises, and we will see what happens.

So, speaking of promises... An old friend from high school got in touch with me a little while back and the neatest thing is that he is a coach for Beachbody. I am signed up for the free account on, so I figured hey, I'll switch to him as my coach! Kinda cool, right? Well, then I went right back to not using the website and honestly, I kinda forgot about him. :) But, I truly believe he is a great coach and he wants the best for people and their health - he's told me how his wife had struggled but they finally found the right tools to help her succeed. So, he checked up on me, and that led to several emails chatting about health and options and thanks to him, I'm beginning a Slim in 6 journey tonight. On a very honest side-note, if you are interested in being coached by someone who is definitely genuine in their attempt to encourage and motivate you to succeed, visit Hugo's Beachbody site. I believe it will be worth your time.

So back to today. In just a little while, I will begin my first workout for Slim in 6. I'm definitely excited about it and I feel like it will be something that I can keep up with. Insanity was great, but I do admit that I think I pushed myself too hard. I couldn't keep up, and even though I modified the moves, I think that hindered my progress because it wasn't just one or two was almost the whole dang thing! :)

Then something else hit me this past weekend, which is the subject of my blog tonight. I surrender. I'm done trying to do this my way, which ends up being all sorts of ways that don't get me anywhere. A book was recommended to me and, although it is probably a really great book, I realized that it is probably a book about what "I" can do on "MY" own. Granted, this is just an assumption - but these are the thoughts that led me to the second part of my new journey, that I am also starting today. I'm beginning a book titled Faithfully Fit: A 40-Day Devotional Plan to End the Yo-Yo Lifestyle of Chronic Dieting.  I'm not perfect, but I do try to give God control of my life. I know there are parts of my life that I need to give Him over and over again. There are parts that are easy to just let Him handle. Then there are parts that I've never thought to give Him....ever. Like my health. Sure, it's probably crossed my mind a few times through the years, but up until this past weekend, it didn't really occur to me to give Him my health, too. But this past weekend, something just CLICKED! I know God loves me and cares about me. He's shown me time and time again, no matter what I've gone through. He's carried me through seasons where I couldn't walk on my own. So why shouldn't I surrender my health to Him?

There's no reason why I shouldn't. So I am. Beginning now. And again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. This will always be a struggle for me. I choose food as my comfort, and I really believe that I will probably be tempted with this for the rest of my life. Laziness plays into this as well. When I turn to food for comfort, there is no joy - there is no encouragement. There is only a momentary pleasure of "good taste"....and sometimes not even that! Then, there is no reason to exercise. "I'm stuffed, so I can't." "I just ate that, so then what's the point?" "Oh, I'm tired, so maybe tomorrow." "I just finished my water, and now I'm bloated, but I did good by drinking my water, right??"

I surrender. This is a good thing.

"Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:30

(On this journey, my blog entries will hold my main thoughts regarding what I read each day because I will use them for my journaling.  But, feel free to look around on some of the tabs listed at the top - I will update those occasionally, as well.)


Kristi said...

This is great Kristin. I truly do know how hard this is. I too am just now turning to God for my health/weight. I never have before. I am also reading a GREAT book that Keelie recommended called Made To Crave. It's amazing! It's like the author was inside my head. The book talks about going to God instead of food. This is definitely a work in progress for both of us, but we just have to continue seeking God in this too!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful!!! That's where I am now too!!! I've only lost 27 lbs since my beginning (aug for exercise, sept for eating) but it feels great!! I've lost more inches than pounds so I've actually lost 2 sizes.... I have much more than you to lose though but I'd be happy to be a buddy! My trainer at the gym is also a beachbody coach and he's great! I use the 50 minute workout from shakeology for my training that he gave me (but not this week.. behind on other things :( ). Anyway this is GREAT! Go Kristin!! God saved my life when I just gave it up... I can never do it my way but His is best anyway :) Love you :) Oh this is Erin from Christian sisters lol I just saw I can't post with my name

Kristin Hope said...

Thanks, Kristi - I am definitely so inspired by your journey - you're doing so great and I am so proud of you. I know it's making you feel so much better, too! When I did some research on a book, I did see the Made to Crave book - I might take that one up after Faithfully Fit. It was so hard to decide, so the deciding factor was that Faithfully Fit is a daily devotional for 6 weeks, so I knew that would work great with my Slim in 6 program that lasts 6 weeks as well. However, I will say that the Made to Crave video ad on Amazon is hilarious - if you haven't seen it, I recommend watching it. Too funny. :)

Thank you for your encouragement. I really appreciate it!

Kristin Hope said...

Erin, thank you also for your encouragement. Only 27 lbs?? Really??? That is the wrong word to use for that statement. A "wonderful" 27 lbs is more like it!! :) And 2 sizes down - I know that's a great feeling. I would love to be buddies - so feel free to comment whenever you want, on here or on FB. I'll be tracking my journey - I figure I may as well stay honest. So we'll see what happens and I hope to learn a lot about how to better manage my mind so that I can better manage my health. :)

Love you too, girl! *hugs*

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